Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Tulisan 1 Softskill (Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

Nama : Billy Jhon Damanik
Kelas : 3eb12
Npm  : 29210825

Actually today is a holiday schedule on Monday, May 8th, 2013. Everyone who has a holiday must have a desire to the streets or twiddle ria for a day, but for me these days is the same as the day usually implement the same as usual. In karenakan for 2 months I followed a progaram training in accounting software company located in South jakarta.

Here I will tell my activities for a full day of waking up to sleep again. I wake up at 6 a. m and before I started my activities, I take the time to pray so that the Lord gives to me for a full day and I make time for devotions by reading a portion of God's Word. After that, I created a cereal beverage for my breakfast before doing the activity.
At 08.00 a. m. I shower, then get ready to depart, and at 8: 30 a. m I went to my training location. Distance training places with my kostan approximately 16 kilometres and take the 45-minute journey, and during the journey I listen to the song with the tool headsheat to dissipate boredom for along the way.

At approximately 09: 15 a. m I arrive on site training and training began at 09: 45. This training is done a day with 2 sessions where the first session participants are required for the presentation of what is learned during 2 months running.

At 12.00 p. m. was our time istrahat dang lunch and second session starts at 01: 00. p.m. At this session the participants learning as usual IE does the input transactions on software, and the session ended at about 2 p.m. After the end of this session, participants went home and I took myself to improve my motorcycle in the Sunday marketbecause my bike is kerudakan.

At 05.30 p. m motorcycles I fixed and I immediately returned home to kostan, kostan 06.00 p.m. I got when I got dikosan I feel hungry and instantly put a bag, and go out in search of food. After I eat my returned to malem kostan and rest, watch television and lay down.

Maybe because of my fatigue was I asleep, not just lay down and I was back up at 9 p.m. at the time and I immediately after a shower I am working on this task until 11: 30 p. m. turns out it careless that I do cause I have reworked this task, because I forgot to save my file type. I feel shit and pissed off about having to type it again, I tried to find a solution so that the files that I type that again, it turns out the solution is I have found.

And finally I finish this task at night is also at 1 a.m. after I complete a task, I returned to watching television awaiting the terpulas sleep in my eyes. This is the activity that I did on this day, may be beneficial for you to read, don't get sloppy things that I did not save the file you do too, so you will have to retype your files again!!!
good night!!!
God Bless You!!!

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