Rabu, 27 November 2013

Analisis Jurnal GCG

Harapan dari penerapan sistem good corporate governance adalah tercapainya nilai
perusahaan (Tumirin, 2007 dalam Tirta, 2009). Dengan adanya salah satu mekanisme good
corporate governance ini diharapkan monitoring terhadap manajer perusahaan dapat lebih
efektif sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan nilai perusahaan. Jadi jika
perusahaan menerapkan sistem good corporate governance diharapkan kinerja perusahaan
tersebut akan meningkat menjadi lebih baik, dengan meningkatnya kinerja perusahaan
diharapkan juga dapat meningkatkan harga saham perusahaan sebagai indikator dari nilai
perusahaan sehingga nilai perusahaan akan tercapai.

Variable :
- Dependen : TOBIN’S Q
Skala pengukuran : ordinal
- Independen :ROA, ROE
Skala pengukuran : ordinal
- Moderasi :GCG
Skala pengukuran : ordinal

1.3       DATA
Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan dalam kelompok property dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2007-2008. Pemilihan sampel penelitian didasarkan pada metode nonprobability sampling tepatnya metode purposive sampling.

1.4       ANALISIS
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan linear variabel-variabelnya. Sehingga menggunakan metode statistic untuk menganalisisnya. Metode analisis tersebut adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan statistic dan pengujian data sebagai berikut:
1. Analisis Deskriptif
2. Uji Normalitas
3. Analisis Regresi Linear Sederhana

1.5       HASIL
Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan pembahasan yang dilakukan sebelumnya, diperoleh
simpulan sebagai berikut:
1. Return On Assets (ROA) terbukti berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan,
sedangkan Return On Equity (ROE) tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan
property dan real estate terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2007-2008.

2. Proporsi Komisaris Independen sebagai variabel pemoderasi tidak terbukti berpengaruh
terhadap nilai perusahaan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Komisaris Independen
sebagai moderating variable atas hubungan kinerja keuangan terhadap nilai perusahaan
tidak mampu memoderasi hubungan kedua variabel tersebut. Hal ini disebabkan oleh
kemungkinan adanya komisaris independen dalam perusahaan yang diobservasi
Jurnal ini cukup baik,dimana pada jurnal ini di jelaskan dengan singkat materi penelitian sampai pembahasan dengan jelas walaupun tidak semua pembahasan dalam penilitian ini di tuangkan pada jurnal ini..

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

The charm of Lake Toba

Nama : Billy Jhon Damanik
Kelas : 3eb12
Npm  : 29210825

 Lake Toba picture

            Do you ever heard abaut Lake Toba?, maybe not the first time we've heard. Maybe for some of us are already familiar with this place. Our ears are familiar or have already visited him often. Moreover, a few years ago, Lake Toba was once a favorite tourist destination in Indonesia for both domestic tourists and foreign tourists. Lake Toba save a million charm for lovers of natural exotica.
Lake Toba is one of the important tourist destination in North Sumatra, Bukit Lawang, Berastagi, Kabanjahe, Sibolga and Nias. The largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, located in the province of North Sumatra, precisely in the area Parapat. Parapat is located in the middle of the city of Medan and Padangsidimpuan. To arrive at the lake Toba, either from the city or from the city of Medan Padangsidimpuan takes approximately 5-6 hours drive if riding the bus or other public transport services.
The ride was quite exhausting to be up at this place will be relieved to see the stunning beauty of Lake Toba. Tired of meaningless, lost heartbeat with treats eye soothing green panorama. Spirit and energy to continue growing way to enjoy the charm tao Toba (Toba land) in lake Toba exotic.

Visit Lake Toba, is not complete if not to set foot on the island of Samosir which was in the middle of the lake. To arrive at the island of Samosir, we can use only the KMP freight spend USD. 20,000 (last year's rates) for the cost of PP (round trip). And unique, when coming home from Samosir island or back to the docks of Lake Toba, we do not need to wait for the ship that we were riding when heading for the island. We may ship anywhere up to leave, According to our goals, with record ticket must not be lost.

            Throughout the trip around the lake, we will not get bored looking at the stunning natural beauty treats made ​​us as one with nature. Soluble amazed Masterpiece Divine majesty. Beads, accompanied gratitude to god. Enjoy the green hills, tranquil lakes water refreshes the mind, brings its own inner calm atmosphere for visitors. Watching the motion agile monkeys that roam freely on the outskirts of the lake (unfortunately, not able perpetuated my pocket camera, too far away), the village children rowing boat, indeed alluring beauty. Moreover, if we could get a seat on the board deg. As far as the eye could see, a lot of charm to be seen.

Great green hill around Toba Like

The stoon that hang in hill ( familiar called batu gattung)

            In addition to the exotic natural treats, visitors also got rave reviews with free entertainment on board In addition to the entertainment, it also aims to introduce the art Toba. Typically, the entertainment was presented by children around the area.

            Masterpiece of divine beauty that is in the lake, making the trip seem shorter. Unnoticed 20 minutes had passed and had reached the island. Samosir island to save a lot of stories of history and art and culture of Toba Batak tribes.

            After the ship to dry dock the island, we will see shops selling various souvenirs typical of Lake Toba. Clothes, Ulos hobo, accessories or art tools and simple music.


Traditional market for by souvenirs

Batak traditional houses

            After passing through the souvenir market, we can climb the stairs to the medium height, to see the rock tombs of the kings Batak. Here, if we have that much time, we can get as much of the story about the history of the Batak and the guard rock tomb kings Batak.


Grave stone Batak kings

Some stone graves of Batak kings

            From grave stone of the kings of the trip can proceed towards cultural attractions Sigale-gale. Just past a souvenir shop we will get to the place. As cultural attractions, this place also presents art Batak culture.


Sigale statue-gale with Ulos Batak

            There are many other beauty that we can enjoy in and around Lake Toba. If you really want to settle for enjoying, stay in cottages that surround the lake Toba is the interesting choice. On the edge of Lake Toba there is a cozy cottage Horas and from there we could see the panoramic beauty of Lake Toba. Because if not, one day trips around the lake and its surroundings, enjoy the natural charm wowed will make feel tired.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Tulisan 1 Softskill (Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2)

Nama : Billy Jhon Damanik
Kelas : 3eb12
Npm  : 29210825

Actually today is a holiday schedule on Monday, May 8th, 2013. Everyone who has a holiday must have a desire to the streets or twiddle ria for a day, but for me these days is the same as the day usually implement the same as usual. In karenakan for 2 months I followed a progaram training in accounting software company located in South jakarta.

Here I will tell my activities for a full day of waking up to sleep again. I wake up at 6 a. m and before I started my activities, I take the time to pray so that the Lord gives to me for a full day and I make time for devotions by reading a portion of God's Word. After that, I created a cereal beverage for my breakfast before doing the activity.
At 08.00 a. m. I shower, then get ready to depart, and at 8: 30 a. m I went to my training location. Distance training places with my kostan approximately 16 kilometres and take the 45-minute journey, and during the journey I listen to the song with the tool headsheat to dissipate boredom for along the way.

At approximately 09: 15 a. m I arrive on site training and training began at 09: 45. This training is done a day with 2 sessions where the first session participants are required for the presentation of what is learned during 2 months running.

At 12.00 p. m. was our time istrahat dang lunch and second session starts at 01: 00. p.m. At this session the participants learning as usual IE does the input transactions on software, and the session ended at about 2 p.m. After the end of this session, participants went home and I took myself to improve my motorcycle in the Sunday marketbecause my bike is kerudakan.

At 05.30 p. m motorcycles I fixed and I immediately returned home to kostan, kostan 06.00 p.m. I got when I got dikosan I feel hungry and instantly put a bag, and go out in search of food. After I eat my returned to malem kostan and rest, watch television and lay down.

Maybe because of my fatigue was I asleep, not just lay down and I was back up at 9 p.m. at the time and I immediately after a shower I am working on this task until 11: 30 p. m. turns out it careless that I do cause I have reworked this task, because I forgot to save my file type. I feel shit and pissed off about having to type it again, I tried to find a solution so that the files that I type that again, it turns out the solution is I have found.

And finally I finish this task at night is also at 1 a.m. after I complete a task, I returned to watching television awaiting the terpulas sleep in my eyes. This is the activity that I did on this day, may be beneficial for you to read, don't get sloppy things that I did not save the file you do too, so you will have to retype your files again!!!
good night!!!
God Bless You!!!

Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Tugas softskill ke-3

Nama : Billy Jhon Damanik
Kelas : 3eb12
Npm  : 29210825
Tugas ke-3 softskill
Exercise 1: complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.
1.   If i have enough apples, i (bake) will bake an apple pie this afternoon.
2.   If i had enough apples, i (bake) would bake an apple pie this afternoon.
3.   I will fix your bicyle if i (have) have a screwdriver of the proper size.
4.   I would fix your bicyle if i (have) had a screwdriver of the proper size.
5.   I (make) will make a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden are ripe.
6.   I (make) would make a tomato salad for the picnic tomorrow if the tomatoes in my garden were ripe.
7.   Jack would shave today if he (have) had a sharp razor.
8.   Jack will shave today if he (have) has a sharp razor.
9.   Sally always answers the phone if she (be) was be in her office.
10. Sally would answer the phone if she (be) were be in her office right now.
11.  I (not be) wouldn’t be a student in this class if english (be) were be my native leanguage.